Thursday, March 15, 2007

Meal Planning

Thank you for putting up a day in your eating plan. I often stuggle with eating too much/too little protein or combining meals to have a balance of protein/carbs and fat, I often get overwhelmed trying to plan it out so I resort back to the basics and eat the same stuff.

Is it true that it is better to get protein from animal source than peanut butter or yogurt?

A Day for me would be like:
AM work out; prior to working out would me 6 oz fat free yogurt and coffee with milk

After work out:
3 egg whites
Oatmeal with some sunflower seeds and a little banana and 1 small date.

2 Slices whole wheat bread
3 tbsp hummus
1 tsbp guacomele

some kind of carb with peanut butter

Egg whites or Chicken
Steamed veggies with some kind of dressing and tsp ilive oil
Salad with yogurt dill sauce

this is where I stuggle I always want something sweet so I have been trying ot have an orange and some dark choclate.

1 comment:

Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD said...

Hi Christie,
I just left you a reply, on the Family Fork, to your daily meal plan. It should be up later today at

Thanx so much for your comment!!